Friday, March 29, 2013


So call me a cornball but ever since Gwen Stefani's song "What You Waiting For?" I've been intrigued by
the Japanese culture. From the harajuku girls, cute teddy bears & cartoons, to their advanced technology. When I was in high school we even had foreign exchange students from japan who had cell phones that weren't even sold in America lol lets just say that sealed the deal. I want to take a trip to Tokyo someday but until then I'll just admire :)

While surfing the web for other "fashion" things I discovered the happening of Fashion Week In Tokyo!! Now while I do love fashion I am not a no it all (I find that people are better when they don't try to consume their minds with every single thing that's going on. There will always be something going on so just worry about what attracts YOU. I don't worry about "sounding" smart or even dumb for that matter!) haha so sorry I didn't no this.
Nevertheless I thought I'd share some of the things I saw and loved ;)

 I loved these collections G.V.G.V , Yuma Koshino , and Hiroko Koshino

And here are some street styles that I liked..

Japanese street wear to me is like the couture of urban wear.


  1. i love this post -- asian style is so interesting to me

    much love from NYC

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank You sooooo Much ;)